Spencers Deep Freezers (1180-SFR series)


SPENCERS  Deep Freezers are elegantly designed with the best quality refrigeration system to meet the elevated standards of performance and controlled temperature storage needs of the pharmacy, medical, industry, biotech and clinical applications. The kind of uncompromising and biologically dormant cold you’d expect added with finest levels of quality construction and reliability, SPENCERS offers the highest standards and the greatest dependability for the most demanding environments.

- 20 degrees C.
- 30 degrees C.
- 40 degrees C.
- 50 degrees C.

- 60 degrees C.

- 70 degrees C.

- 80 degrees C.
** Varying temperature options on Demand.


Dependability, low maintenance  & Value.
Accurate temperature control and holdover capability.
Fast pull-down, rapid recovery.
Excellent temperature stability and homogeneity.
An extended choice of process and control options.


LCD / TFT Display.
Temperature data logger.
Computer Interface facility.
Back-up Refrigeration System.
All Stainless Steel Construction.
Seven Days Temperature Chart Recorder.
Print Options, Memory Options.



Deep Freezers with various Temperature options:

Deep Freezers - 20 degrees C

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Deep Freezers - 30 degrees C

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Deep Freezers - 40 degrees C

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Deep Freezers - 50 degrees C

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Deep Freezers - 60 degrees C

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Deep Freezers - 70 degrees C

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Deep Freezers - 80 degrees C

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** Varying other Tempertaure Range are also available on Demand.


Manufacturers & suppliers

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Deep Freezers with temperature range upto -20 Deg. C, Deep Freezers with temperature range upto -30 Deg. C, Deep Freezers with temperature range upto -40 Deg. C
Deep Freezers with temperature range upto -50 Deg. C, Deep Freezers with temperature range upto -60 Deg. C, Deep Freezers with temperature range upto -70 Deg. C
Deep Freezers with temperature range upto -80 Deg. C, Deep Freezers with various Control options
freezers ranging from -40 Deg. C to -70 Deg. C, Ultra low temperature Deep freezers ranging from -80 Deg. C to -150 Deg. C., Ultra low temp. Deep freezers with -60 Deg. C to -86 Deg. C
Deep Freezer with microprocessor based Temperature Control, Digital Display, High/Low Temperature Alarms, Deep Freezer with microprocessor based Temperature Control, Dual Digital Display, High/Low Temperature Alarms & Chart recorder
Deep Freezer with microprocessor based Temperature Control, LCD/TFT Display, High/Low Temperature Alarms Data Logger
Deep Freezer with Chart recorders, Voltage safety systems, Alarm systems, Print options, Memory options etc., Deep Freezers with tailor-make/Custom Controls Options
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Deep freezer -85 Deg. C, Deep freezer -70 Deg. C, Deep Freezer -40 Deg. C, Deep freezers -80 Degree Celcius
Manufacturers of Freezers, Manufacturers of refrigerators, Manufacturers of Deep Freezers, Suppliers of Freezers
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Freezers, Refrigerators & Cold Chain Solutions
Freezers Supplier, Freezer Supplier, Distributor of Deep Freezers, Distributors of refrigerators, Distributors of Deep Freezers
Manufacturers of Lab equipments, Suppliers of Lab equipments, Manufacturers of medical equipments, Hospital equipments
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